Monday, January 4, 2010

Current Stencils, Sketches, and Pictures; Pricing Info

New Stencils!

Name: OTL spring 2010
Price: $8 with a new shirt, free with your own shirt

Name: Bowtie
Price: $5.00

Name: Buttons
Price: $2.00 gets you 4 buttons!

Name: Ret-ru stripes
Price: $4.00

More Stencils

Name: "Mary Anne Radmacher quote"
Comments: I came across this quote in an odd boutique-like store called "therapy" in Burlingame with my friend Noelle, when we were 16, and it changed my life and helped me see a bigger picture than the one i was viewing at the time
Price: $8.00 (for one color, each additional color is an additional $0.50)
Size: "11 x 15"

Name: "Everybody lies"
Comments: yeah yeah, the name comes from House, whatever. but it's SO true, and as Shakespeare says, trust no one.
This particular stencil is very large and the idea is that it kind of wraps around the body... i guess a second picture of someone wearing it is soon due
Price: $12.00
Size: 14" x 16"

Name: "Comò se llama?"
Comments: Inspired by my high school AP spanish teacher, senora elenz-martin (or miss marshall, as she is more famously known), who asked for a spanish-themed design
Price: $6.00
Size: 9"x 9.5"

Name: Two Cool Cats (Even Though One is a Pigeon)
Comments: my friend Adam Buchholz came up with the name for this one!
Price: $8.00
Size: 9" x 12"

Name: "Going Home doesn't quite mean what it used to"
Comments: This kind of encapsulates my feeling of going home for the first time once I started college. It's a little scary, yet comforting, and everything seems different, but mostly the biggest change has occurred within yourself
Price: $12.00
Size: 12" x 8"

Name: Skin-Deep
Comments: When you first meet people, you don't meet their true selves - you're meeting the person they want you to see. Let mystery ensue.
Price: $7.00
Size: 9" x 4"
Comments: I was sort of commissioned by OTL to design this year's shirt and print all the orders. The graphic is of footprints leading from one empty tent to a second tent with two pairs of feet sticking out. Support OTL!
Price: $10

Name: Koi Fish in Yin Yan
Comments: its hard to tell what it is at first, but its basically two koi fish swimming in a yin yan pattern. Inspired by the pond near Scripps College's Motley Coffeehouse. This one is printed on my pillowcase.
Price: $9.00
Size: 7" diameter
Name: Believe
Comments: a response to the passage of prop 8. do you believe in love? keep on giving the love, dont stop it!
Price: $5.00
Size: 10" x 4.5"

Name: Let Love Live
Comments: inspired by overall hippiness, make love not war, and my frustration with the passage of prop 8. gay marriage is not a matter of politics or religion - it is about LOVE and who are we as voters to take away that happiness, that possible only chance at fulfilling a vow, in a world already filled with war, greed, and hate? why not LET LOVE LIVE?
Price: $12.00
Size: 11" x 7.5"

Name: Freedom Bird
Comments: just love it
Price: $5.00
Size: 7" x 4.5"

Name: Smoking animals
Comments: a snail, a frog, a snake, a mouse, a bird, a bunny, and a kitty all smoking. Inspired by my signature doodle of a frog smoking. (or you can get it without the smoking, like my mom did, above)
Price: $7.00
Size: 3" x 11"

Name: Hippy Man
Comments: this one is printed on my tie-dye shirt. it's two stencils overlapped because its very large.
Price: $12.00
Size: 15.5" x 5.5"

Name: McO Tag
Comments: This tag will be printed on your order either on the outside on the lower left back corner, or on the inside of the back where a tag usually goes, your choice.
Price: free or $1.00 (if by itself)
Size: 6.5" x 2"

Name: Hand-Heart
Comments: Picture of stencil printed on white jersey, there's only a stencil of one hand, and I flip it over to get the other hand, so this one takes a little longer.
Price: $10.00
Size: 8" x 14"

Name: Internal Organs
Comments: This is me wearing my shirt. There are 9 separate stencils involved in this design. The second picture is a close-up.
Price: $20.00
Size: approx 21" x 10"

Name: Take Me Out
Comments: I made this stencil during my junior year. Its not meant to be racist, its meant to be cute, like me. very popular design.
Price: $10
Size: 8" x 6.5" (both the take-out box and the words)

Name: Heart Throw-Up
Comments: I originally doodled this during a boring meeting - pretty rude of me. (the above is magenta and gold colored)
Price: $7.00 (2 colors: $10)
Size: 9" x 7.5"

Name: Don't Stick Your Thing Where It Doesn't Belong
Comments: My first stencil ever, also junior year. I think the original print is still hanging in the math/foreign language hall at Aragon High School.
Price: $6.00
Size: 9" x 6"

Name: Key To My Heart
Comments: I actually debated with myself for a long time about whether or not to use this as my tag instead.
Price: $7.00
Size: 7.5" x 4.5"

Name: Angry Strawberry
Comments: Because I draw raging, angry, ferocious fruit on the paper tablecloths at Macaroni Grill every time I go.
Price: $5.00 for one color, $6.00 for 3 colors
Size: 4.5" x 10"

That's it for now, check back soon for updates!

Pricing Info:
  • All prices are listed under the stencil.
  • There is an additional charge for a new shirt instead of reusing an old one. ($4.00 for sizes S-XL)
  • Check or cash, pay either ahead or at time of pick-up.
  • If you want to mail me your shirt, include postage money for me to send it back to you.
  • you can mail it to:
    Kristina McOmber
    Smith Campus Center Suite #118
    170 E 6th Street #1506
    Claremont, CA 91711

How to Order:
  • send me an e-mail.
  • make sure the subject says "McO Stencils"
  • Please specify which design you want and whether or not you will be needing a new shirt (and if so, your t-shirt size)
  • let me know what color(s), what design, and what placement you want
  • ask about color options!
    example e-mail:
    Hello Kristina, I would like to order the "Key to My Heart" design for a t-shirt I already have. I want that design to be purple, and placed in the bottom left on the front of the shirt. I also would like to order "Let Love Live" but I don't have a tshirt for that one. I want that to be an orange print on a small white tshirt, placed in the front-center. According to the pricing info, that looks like $19.00. I'll pay you when I pick them up/you drop them off. Thanks!